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How to avoid resonance of stainless steel corrugat

author:OMEGA hose | date:2018-01-24
Stainless steel bellows in actual use, mostly for horizontal or vertical installation, may make the corrugated tube under axial vibration or vibration, but when the self vibration frequency of the system in any frequency at the same or similar, will lead to a sharp decline induced by resonance, bellows life. So how should we avoid the occurrence of resonance? The measures recommended by the stainless steel bellows company are as follows:
(1) change the self vibration frequency of the expansion joint by changing the size, material, temperature, end condition and pre deformation of the stainless steel bellows.
2. Using the method of adding pipe support to change the natural frequency of the pipe system.
The change of natural frequency by changing the length of the air column.
To sum up, the key to avoid resonance is to change the natural frequency of bellows, separate the vibration frequency of the system, and avoid the coincidence between the two frequencies of the machine and the natural frequency of the gas column, so as to avoid resonance.

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