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What is the influence of the optical properties of

author:OMEGA hose | date:2018-01-24
When light is illuminated, a part of the plastic is reflected on the surface, and the rest enters the interior for refraction, absorption, scattering, and so on. The light passes through the plastic into the optically thinner medium by denser medium, if the incident angle is greater than or equal to the critical angle, the total reflection. When the light from the air enters the corrugated stainless steel hose, the change of the light path occurs because of the different propagation rate in the air, resulting in refraction. The absorption and scattering of light in stainless steel corrugated hose is related to the structure, surface features and other substances of the material.
Glass state stainless steel corrugated flexible hose polymers are selective absorption in the range of visible light, usually colorless and transparent. The crystalline polymer of some stainless steel corrugated hose contains crystal and amorphous phase, and the transparency is reduced because of light scattering, and it presents milky white. After adding some auxiliaries in the polymer, the color of the material will change.
As the light passes through the stainless steel corrugated hose plastic, can it directly pass through the past without refraction and scattering, which is related to the crystalline structure of polymer that is made of plastic. Therefore, all the factors that affect the crystallization have an effect on the optical properties.
The crystallinity of the stainless steel corrugated hose polymer, the regularity and the asymmetry of the broken chain are all improved. The molecular chains in the crystal region are arranged regularly, and the refraction rates of the stainless steel corrugated hose polymer in the MICROTEK and the amorphous regions are different. The amorphous polymer in the crystal area is usually transparent when the light passes through the crystalline stainless steel corrugated hose polymer. However, for the stainless steel corrugated hose crystalline polymer, if the crystal density and amorphous phase density close to the light in the crystalline interface almost no refraction and reflection; or when the crystalline size is smaller than the wavelength of visible light, this time also does not occur refraction and reflection.
It can be seen that we can try to reduce the size of the crystal area, so that the stainless steel corrugated hose can improve the transparency of crystalline polymers, such as polypropylene. When processing is adding nucleating agent, we can get products containing glomeruli, so as to improve the optical performance of stainless steel corrugated hose. The company is committed to improving the performance of stainless steel corrugated hose, and has made great progress, and thank you for the long-term support of the company.

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